Saudi Arabia

Ancient wonders, vibrant cities, and stunning Red Sea landscapes await. Explore a land of rich heritage and modern marvels.
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Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Tour Packages

Saudi Arabia, known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a top destination for travelers seeking a unique and memorable experience. From the bustling city of Riyadh to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia offers a diverse range of attractions and activities for visitors to explore.


Located on the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia is a country steeped in tradition and modernity. From the ancient ruins of Al Ula to the pristine shores of the Red Sea, this nation boasts a myriad of destinations that cater to a wide array of interests, making it an ideal choice for travelers seeking a truly immersive experience.


Boasting a wealth of cultural landmarks and natural wonders, Saudi Arabia is a treasure trove for tourists. The country’s rich history, iconic mosques, and vibrant markets provide visitors with a glimpse into the heart of the Arabian culture. Whether exploring the bustling streets of Jeddah or embarking on a spiritual journey to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia promises an unforgettable travel experience.

  • Language Spoken » Arabic/ English
  • Currency Used » Saudi Riyal
  • Area » 83,600 (Km2)
  • Capital » Riyadh


Jeddah Tour Packages...

Discover the cosmopolitan city of Jeddah with tour packages that showcase the blend of traditional charm and modern sophistication. From exploring the historic Al-Balad district to enjoying the pristine beaches along the Red Sea coast, Jeddah offers a unique blend of cultural experiences that appeal to all types of travelers.

Riyadh Holiday Packages...

Immerse yourself in the dynamic capital city of Riyadh with holiday packages that highlight the city’s diverse attractions. Explore the traditional souks, visit world-class museums, and indulge in delectable cuisine as you uncover the hidden treasures of Riyadh’s past and present.

Mecca and Medina Tours...

Embark on a spiritual journey like no other with tours to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Experience the wonders of Saudi Arabia’s religious sites, visit the iconic mosques, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Islam as you travel through these sacred destinations.


Visit Saudi Arabia Home Slide holiday packages to saudi arabia Things To Do In Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Things to do in riyadh

When exploring Saudi Arabia, one must not miss the vibrant city of Riyadh. Known for its modern skyscrapers, historical sites, and bustling markets, Riyadh offers a blend of traditional and contemporary experiences for travelers to enjoy.

Discover Riyadh...

Discover the rich history and culture of Riyadh by visiting iconic landmarks such as the Masmak Fortress and the Kingdom Centre Tower. Indulge in authentic Arabian cuisine at local restaurants and explore the traditional souks for unique souvenirs to take back home.

Experience Jeddah...

Experience the coastal city of Jeddah, where ancient traditions meet modern luxury. Visit the historic Al-Balad district, stroll along the Corniche, and witness the beauty of the Red Sea. Jeddah offers a mix of cultural heritage and contemporary attractions for travelers to immerse themselves in.

Adventures in Abha and Taif...

For a unique experience, head to the highlands of Abha and Taif. Explore the scenic landscapes, lush gardens, and cool weather of these mountainous regions. Discover the charming villages, indulge in local delicacies, and partake in outdoor activities like hiking and paragliding.


Saudi Arabia

Umluj: An Emirate in Saudi Arabia...

Explore the hidden gem of Umluj, an emirate on the Red Sea coast known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Dive into the rich marine life, relax on the sandy shores, and witness breathtaking sunsets over the sea. Umluj offers a tranquil escape for those seeking natural beauty.

Experience the Wonders of Saudi Arabia...

Embark on a journey to experience the wonders of Saudi Arabia, from the historic sites of Al Ula to the modern cities of Riyadh and Jeddah. Witness the cultural richness, architectural marvels, and warm hospitality of the Arabian Peninsula as you explore this enchanting destination.


Discover the wonders of Saudi Arabia through a variety of activities. From exploring historic sites like Al-Ula and Diriyah to indulging in thrilling adventures in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia offers a diverse range of experiences for every traveler. Brows more things to do in saudi arabia below. 

Red Sea Diving
Ancient Alula Old Town – Saudi Arabia
The Iconic Kingdom Centre Tower in Riyadh

Unmissable Attractions in Saudi Arabia...

From the majestic mosques of Mecca and Medina to the bustling markets of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia offers a myriad of attractions for travelers. Immerse yourself in the country’s rich culture and history, explore ancient ruins, and witness the beauty of the Red Sea coast.

Cooler weather in Aseer...

Escape the heat and crowds by visiting Aseer, a region known for its cooler climate and stunning landscapes. Explore the lush mountains, verdant valleys, and picturesque villages of Aseer. Enjoy outdoor activities like trekking, camping, and birdwatching in this serene and scenic destination.


Visit Saudi Arabia Home Slide holiday packages to saudi arabia Things To Do In Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Things to do in riyadh

Planning a holiday to Saudi Arabia opens up a world of opportunities to explore its rich culture, historical sites, and natural wonders. Whether you are interested in visiting the bustling city of Riyadh, the coastal beauty of Jeddah, or the spiritual sanctuaries of Mecca and Medina, there is something for every traveler.

Essential Tips for Women Traveling Alone...

For women traveling alone to Saudi Arabia, it is important to respect local customs and dress modestly to adhere to the country’s cultural norms. It is advisable to research and understand the rules and regulations beforehand to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Additionally, considering guided tours or travel groups can offer added security and support.



Absolutely! Saudi Arabia is worth visiting for its unique blend of cultural heritage, modern attractions, and natural beauty. From historic sites to vibrant cities, the country offers a diverse range of experiences for all types of travelers.

Saudi Arabia opened its doors to tourists in 2019, marking a significant shift in its tourism policies to welcome international visitors and showcase its rich history and culture to the world.

While Saudi Arabia can be considered moderately priced, the cost of visiting will depend on factors such as accommodation choices, dining preferences, and desired activities. Overall, with careful planning and research, travelers can find options to suit various budgets.

Absolutely, Saudi Arabia is a fantastic destination for travelers seeking a unique and enriching experience. With its blend of ancient traditions, modern developments, and warm hospitality, visitors are sure to be captivated by the country's charm.

Non-Muslim tourists are not permitted to enter the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, as they are considered sacred sites in Islam and reserved for religious pilgrimages by Muslims only.

Tourists, especially women, are expected to dress modestly in Saudi Arabia, covering their shoulders and knees, and avoiding tight or revealing clothing. It is recommended to carry a headscarf to wear in more conservative areas out of respect for local customs.

Saudi Arabia is generally considered safe for travelers, with low crime rates and a strong security presence. However, it is essential to stay informed about local customs, laws, and potential risks to ensure a smooth and secure travel experience.

Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam, home to the two holiest cities in Islam - Mecca and Medina. The country is known for its vast deserts, modern cities, and rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years.

The best time to travel to Saudi Arabia is during the cooler months between November and February when the weather is milder and more conducive for outdoor activities and sightseeing. It is advisable to check specific destinations for their seasonal attractions and events to plan your trip accordingly.

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